PLOT : Want to plan a perfect holiday? Remember to bring your dinghy and your dog, of course! On the other hand, accidentally booking the same house with two total strangers is not recommended. In the film Odio l’estate, famous Italian comedians Aldo, Giovanni and Giacomo leave for summer holidays as strangers, but soon cross paths despite their very different lives. An extremely organized and fussy man who is dealing with bankruptcy, a successful doctor struggling with a son going through a pre-adolescent crisis, and a hypochondriac with a dog named Brian and a passion for Massimo Raniero, meet coincidentally on a small island on the Italian coast sharing the same beach, the same sea and the same rented house. The clash between the three characters is inevitable and hilarious.
Gianfranco Cabiddu. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum sed dapibus nibh. Sed elementum eleifend mi, non sollicitudin arcu scelerisque non. Sed sollicitudin condimentum elit quis viverra. Proin pulvinar tellus sed risus mattis sagittis. Donec scelerisque mollis dictum. Aenean venenatis lorem augue, a mattis eros elementum ac. Nunc sodales finibus enim, a auctor lacus posuere non. Nulla lacinia magna massa, sed tristique risus tempor quis. Sed eu viverra neque. Proin at nisl vel leo feugiat maximus. Proin justo justo, maximus venenatis enim quis, porttitor vehicula justo. Nam at dolor at ante finibus varius a a est. Mauris sodales, dolor in tristique pretium, ex libero ornare nibh, et mattis dolor erat sed enim. Morbi rutrum, quam pulvinar tincidunt eleifend, eros libero placerat eros, in congue velit ligula in nibh. Praesent vel neque nec diam ullamcorper sodales non vel diam. Nunc sed quam nec nisi tempor placerat. Praesent et ultricies magna. Fusce lobortis luctus quam, mattis porta eros tristique at.
Length 2h 16min
Screening date April 7, 2017
Silvia Giulietti,
Distribution 20th Century Fox
Production Paramount