At War for Love

At War for Love

Dirigé par: Pierfrancesco Diliberto

Italian with Eng Subs
Comedy, Drama, Romance

PLOT : Année 1943. Alors que le monde est en pleine Seconde Guerre mondiale, Arturo vit son histoire d'amour tourmentée avec Flora. Ils s'aiment, mais elle est la fiancée du fils d'un important mafieux new-yorkais. Pour l'épouser, notre protagoniste doit obtenir le consentement du père de sa bien-aimée, qui vit dans un petit village sicilien. Arturo, qui est un jeune homme sans un sou, n'a qu'un seul moyen de rejoindre l'île: s'enrôler dans l'armée américaine, qui prépare le débarquement en Sicile, l'événement qui changera à jamais l'histoire de la Sicile, de l'Italie et de la mafia.

Pierfrancesco Diliberto (Pif). Pif est né le 4 juin 1972 à Palerme sous le nom de Pierfrancesco Diliberto, fils du réalisateur Maurizio Diliberto. Il a étudié la pratique des médias à Londres. Il travaille comme acteur et écrivain et est connu pour les films ‘La Mafia uccide solo d'estate’ (2013), ‘Ridendo e scherzando - Ritratto di un regista all'italiana’ (2015) et ‘In guerra per amore’ (2016).

Length 1h 39min

Cast Andrea Di Stefano, Pierfrancesco Diliberto (Pif), Sergio Vespertino,
Distribution 01 Distribution, Rai Com
Production Wildside, Rai Cinema, MiBACT

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At War For Love

At War For Love

Directed by: Pierfrancesco Diliberto
A man will fight for love no matter what is at stake, even his life. Once again pif portrays sicilian history with his fantasy and sense of humor.
ICFF 2017 People's Choice Award

Italian with Eng Subs
Comedy, Drama, Romance

PLOT : New York 1943. Arturo, a Sicilian emigrant, is in love with Flora who is already engaged to the son of a well known New York boss. She loves Arturo though and they would like to get married, but to do so he needs her father’s blessing. The man lives in Sicily and the only way for Arturo to get there is to enroll in the US Army in order to start a journey to the Italian island and take part in the event which is going to change the history of Sicily, Italy and Mafia.

In celebration of ICFF’s 10th Anniversary, we are proud to present the ‘ICFF BEST OF’ series! This film is one of the 'People’s Choice Award' winners from the past 10 years of the Festival.

Pierfrancesco Diliberto(Pif). Pif was born on June 4, 1972 in Palermo, Sicily, Italy as Pierfrancesco Diliberto, son of director Maurizio Diliberto. He studied Media Practice in London. He is an actor and writer, known for The Mafia Kills Only in Summer (2013), Ridendo e scherzando - Ritratto di un regista all'italiana (2015) and In guerra per amore (2016).

Length 1h 39min

Cast Andrea Di Stefano, Pierfrancesco Diliberto(Pif), Sergio Vespertino,
Distribution 01 Distribution, Rai Com
Production Wildside, Rai Cinema, MiBACT

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