ICFF Expansion of Canada-Italy Co-Productions and other collaborations


Natasha Abramova



Natasha Abramova is an operations manager and special projects coordinator with 30 years of experience in interpreting, public relations, logistics, sales, and related activities. One of her proudest achievements was the instrumental role she played, in 2018, to help preserve a piece of Canadian art heritage. She brought the media’s attention to the potential sale outside the country of a treasured painting – La Tour Eiffel by Marc Chagall. She began a nationwide petition that successfully overturned the National Gallery of Canada’s decision to sell the painting.

Company Bio:

Lighthouse Immersive offers versatile spaces for creators to present their art work.

How many years have you worked in the film and creative entertainment industries?: 6-10 years

Preferred research topics: Focus groups and roundtables

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