The Trouble with Jessica

The Trouble with Jessica

Directed by: Matt Winn

One Dinner, One Tragedy, Endless Consequences.

United Kingdom

PLOT : Sarah and Tom are a married couple on the brink of financial ruin. Desperate to avoid losing everything, they've found a buyer for their stylish London home. They invite their best friends, Richard and Beth, for a final dinner to celebrate the sale. However, the evening takes a dark turn when uninvited old friend Jessica tags along. During dinner, a seemingly trivial argument escalates, leading to Jessica hanging herself in the garden. As Tom goes to call the police, Sarah realizes that if the buyer learns about the incident, the sale will collapse, leading to their financial ruin. In a bid to save themselves, Sarah and Tom convince Richard and Beth to move Jessica's body to her flat. Their desperate act sets off a chain of events that jeopardizes their friendships and futures.

Matt Winn. Matt Winn is a director, writer, producer, saxophonist, and composer. Winn's directorial portfolio includes five award-winning shorts that have captivated audiences and garnered critical acclaim. Notable among these are “We Are Happy” (2015), “The Brunchers” (2013), and “Coming Down” (1997). His directorial debut was for the 2006 comedy, "January 2nd," about a group of friends celebrating the New Year's holiday. He then ventured into the horror-thriller genre with "The Hoarder" in 2015, showcasing his versatility as a filmmaker. Most recently, Winn directed the dark comedy "The Trouble with Jessica," demonstrating his ability to engage and entertain audiences across different genres.

Length 1h 29min
Year 2023

Cast Shirley Henderson, Alan Tudyk, Rufus Sewell, Indira Varma, Olivia Williams,
Distribution Parkland Pictures
Production Bright Pictures, Yes Repeat No, Relevate Ventures

  • Sat. June 29
    08:45 PM
    Birra Moretti Theatre, Distillery Dsitrict
  • Mon. July 8th
    09:30 PM
    Trinity Theatre, Distillery Dsitrict

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