The Ocean Maker

The Ocean Maker

Directed by: Lucas Martell
Age Group: Grades 7+
Available from February 28th to March 11th, 2022

United States
No Dialogue

PLOT : The OceanMaker is an animated short film that takes place after Earth's oceans have disappeared. The story centres on Katrina, a lone fighter pilot who flies over the baron wasteland of what used to be an ocean fighting against vicious sky pirates for control of the last remaining source of water: the clouds.

Lucas Martell. Lucas Martell is a visual effects artist, producer, writer and director. He is mostly known for his excellent directorial skills in Pigeon: Impossible(2009), and The OceanMaker(2014) is a visual effects artist, producer, writer and director. He is mostly known for his excellent directorial skills in Pigeon: Impossible(2009), and The OceanMaker(2014)

Length 0h 11min
Year 2014

Production Mighty Coconut, Ponysound, Martell Animation

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