PLOT : Rex Simpson, portrayed by Emma Roberts, is committed to keeping up her reputation as a Florida party girl, even when she works for NASA. In dire need of help, fresh insight, and focus, the space administration unexpectedly finds the help they need in Rex herself. When a fluke causes her to be placed in a training program with candidates whose resumes far outshine her own, Rex’s intelligence and heart stand out. Her unconventional background brings a unique perspective, and her determination proves invaluable. Rex’s journey from party girl to NASA hero showcases her ability to thrive in the most unexpected circumstances.
Liz W. Garcia. Liz W. Garcia is an accomplished American director, writer, and producer known for her diverse work in television and film. Her career highlights include writing for "Dawson's Creek" (2003), as well as creating critically acclaimed films like "The Lifeguard" (2013) and "Purple Hearts" (2022). Garcia's projects often explore themes of human passion and desire, which resonate deeply with audiences due to their emotional complexity and authenticity. Most recently, Garcia wrote and directed the upcoming comedy "Space Cadet" (2024), starring Emma Roberts, for Amazon Prime. Her storytelling talent shines through her ability to capture intricate relationships and evoke strong viewer connections.
Year 2024
Emma Roberts, Tom Hopper, Gabrielle Union, Poppy Liu, David Foley,
Distribution Amazon Prime Video
Production Stampede Ventures