The Macaluso Sisters

The Macaluso Sisters

Directed by: Emma Dante

Italian with Eng Subs

PLOT : The Macaluso Sisters is a poignant story involving three generations from the beginning to the end of their lives. Set in 1985 Sicily this film follows the 70-year metamorphosis of the five orphaned Macaluso sisters, Maria, Pinuccia, Lia, Katia and Antonella. Despite the hardships, they are able to make a living by renting doves for ceremonies. On a normal day at the beach, Antonella accidentally dies, leaving the other sisters in shock and grief for her death. This terrible accident is going to turn upside down their relationships for the rest of their lives.

Emma Dante. Born in Palermo in 1967, Emma Dante is an Italian playwright, theatre director and stage actress. She wrote, directed and starred in the 2013 film A Street in Palermo. She later directed numerous operas, including Richard Strauss' Feuersnot and Hans Werner Henze's Gisela! in Palermo, and Carmen at the Teatro alla Scala. In 2020 she co-wrote and directed The Macaluso Sisters, based on her own acclaimed play.

Length 1h 34min
Year 2020

Cast Alissa Maria Orlando, Susanna Piraino, Anita Pomario, Eleonora De Luca, Viola Pusatieri, Donatella Finocchiaro,
Distribution Charades
Production Rosamont, Minimum Fax Media, supported by Ministero della Cultura, with the support of Sicilia Film Commission

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