PLOT : On June 10, 1940, Prime Minister Mackenzie King announced the detainment and internment of Italian-Canadians considered a threat to the safety of our country. Under the guidelines of the War Measures Act, the RCMP were given freedom to arrest any person with ties to an Axis nation without proof of threat, disloyalty, or subversion to our government. Out of 150,000 immigrated and Canadian born Italian-Canadians, 30,000 were listed as “enemy aliens” and over 700 were interned in camps. Some interned men lost sons fighting in the war, others enlisted in the war for Canada once released.
Rino Noto. Has been both internationally recognized and showcased as a photographer and a director during his twenty-five years as an artist. Noto conquers the moving image as a visual auteur in his breakout documentary Piazza Petawawa: The Paradox. “His incredible eye for detail is evident as he manages to expertly capture […] the essence of this little known yet highly significant piece of Canadian history” “-Moira Romano Founder of ETV film inc.
Length 1h 15min
Production Boxcar Studio