PLOT : 1942. Along with other Jews, Gilles, a young Belgian man, is detained by the SS and sent to a concentration camp in Germany. By declaring to the guards that he is Persian and not Jewish, he just escapes being put to death. This deception spares him for a while, but then Koch, the officer in command of the camp's food preparation, requests that Gilles teach him Persian so that he might one day start a restaurant in Persia. Gilles is forced to create a language from scratch, word by word. Gilles is strongly aware that one wrong move may reveal his con, as the two men's unique friendship starts to raise envy and suspicion.
Vadim Perelman. In Kiev, Ukrainian SSR, Vadim Perelman was born in 1963. He is a filmmaker and producer best known for the films Persian Lessons (2020), House of Sand and Fog (2003), and The Life Before Her Eyes (2007). At age 16, Vadim began studying English. In House of Sand and Fog (2003), which received two Oscar nominations, he was the director of Ben Kingsley and Shohreh Aghdashloo. Vadim dropped out of school in his second year of film studies at Ryerson University in Toronto.
Length 2h 7min
Year 2020
Nahuel Pérez Biscayart, Lars Eidinger, Jonas Nay,
Distribution Mongrel Media
Production Hype Film, LM Media, ONE TWO Films, Belarusfilm