Mavka: The Forest Song

Mavka: The Forest Song

Directed by: Oleh Malamuzh and Oleksandra Ruban

Mavka - a soul of the Forest - faces an impossible choice between loving a human and her duty as guardian to the Heart of the Forest

Animation, Comedy, Family

PLOT : Mavka - a soul of the Forest - faces an impossible choice between love and her duty as guardian to the Heart of the Forest, when she falls in love with a human - the talented young musician Lukash. Our story is about the magical power of love. That kind of love enables human nature to find the magic within and reveals abilities and qualities that empower a person to reach beyond possible and to hold against evil and human vice.

Oleh Malamuzh. is a Ukrainian animator known for many works in the industry, most notably being The Stolen Princess (2018) and Mavka: The Forest Song (2023). His career includes talents from a variety of areas including directing, producing and in animation.   Oleksandra Ruban is a Ukrainian director and artist who made her directorial debut with Mavka: The Forest Song. Before entering the world of cinema, she was an artist with over 8 years of experience, being featured in exhibitions with a passion for acrylics, painting walls and painting clothes.

Length 1h 30min
Year 2022

Cast Nataliya Sumskaya, Elena Kravets, Katya Osadcha,

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