Bad poet

Bad poet

Dirigé par: Gianluca Jodice

Italian with Eng Subs

PLOT : Écrivain, poète, dramaturge, journaliste, soldat et patriote, Gabriele D'Annunzio est l'homme qui a inspiré Mussolini dans le processus de construction du mouvement fasciste italien. L’ histoire commence avec D'Annunzio en exil à la fin de sa vie, déterminé à lutter contre l'oppression fasciste et à ne pas renoncer à sa liberté de pensée. Même s'il accepte les honneurs et les nominations de Mussolini, le Duce le craint et envoie un jeune fédéral italien pour surveiller le "mauvais poète". Pourtant, le poète, même âgé et fatigué, n'a pas perdu ses talents de séducteur. Saura-t-il charmer le jeune soldat au point de le faire douter de lui-même et de sa foi dans le fascisme?

Gianluca Jodice. Gianluca Jodice est né le 4 décembre 1973 à Naples, Campanie, Italie. Il est assistant-réalisateur et réalisateur. Gianluca a commencé sa carrière en travaillant sur de nombreux courts métrages, pour lesquels il a remporté plusieurs prix. Il est surtout connu pour Ritratto di Bambino (2002), qui a obtenu deux nominations aux Nastri d'Argento et a remporté plusieurs prix, et Il Cattivo Poeta (2021), qui est son premier long métrage pour le grand écran.

Length 1h 46min

Cast Sergio Castellitto, Francesco Patanè, Tommaso Ragno, Fausto Russo Alesi, Massimiliano Rossi, Clotilde Courau, Elena Bucci, Lidiya Liberman, Janina Rudenska, Lino Musella, Marcello Romolo,
Distribution 01 Distribution [Italy], Alfa Pictures [Spain], Rai Com
Production Ascent Film, Bathysphere, RAI Cinema, Soutenu par le Ministère de la Culture, avec le soutien de la Regione Lazio

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Bad poet

Bad poet

Directed by: Gianluca Jodice

Italian with Eng Subs

PLOT : Writer, poet, playwright, journalist, soldier, and patriot, Gabriele D’Annunzio was the man Mussolini was inspired by in the process of building the Italian Fascist Movement. Our story starts with D’Annunzio in exile at the end of his life, determined to fight against the fascist oppression and to not give up his freedom of thought. Even though he accepts honours and appointments from Mussolini, the Duce fears him and sends a young Italian federal to watch over the ‘evil poet’. Yet the poet, even in old age and tired, hasn't lost his seductive skills. Will he charm the young soldier to the point of making him question himself and his faith in Fascism?

Gianluca Jodice. Born on December 4, 1973, in Naples, Campania, Italy. He is an assistant director and director. Gianluca started his career working on many short movies, for which he won several awards. He’s most known for Ritratto di Bambino (2002) which got two Nastro D’Argento nominations and won several awards, and Il Cattivo Poeta (2021) which is his first feature film for the big screen.

Length 1h 46min

Cast Sergio Castellitto, Francesco Patanè, Tommaso Ragno, Fausto Russo Alesi, Massimiliano Rossi, Clotilde Courau, Elena Bucci, Lidiya Liberman, Janina Rudenska, Lino Musella, Marcello Romolo,
Distribution 01 Distribution [Italy], Alfa Pictures [Spain], Rai Com
Production Ascent Film, Bathysphere, Rai Cinema, supported by Ministero della Cultura, with the support of Regione Lazio

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