PLOT : Brother and sister Davie and Diana are drawn back to their birth country of Argentina, immersing themselves in the mesmerizing world of nocturnal tango clubs. However, this might not just be a nostalgic trip for the duo but an exploration of their original roots, as Diana confesses that Davie might have been adopted. The news shocks Davie and propels him into a relentless quest for answers about his identity, while the seductive allure of the tango becomes a haunting reminder of the enigma that lies within him. Amidst his confusion and disorientation, Davie must confront his deepest fears and embrace the painful truth that lies at the heart of his existence, even if it means sacrificing his connection with the people around him and redefining his understanding of belonging.
Alison Murray. is a writer/director based between Canada and Buenos Aires. Born in Nova Scotia, raised in England, Murray began directing music videos in the UK in the 1990s. She made her first documentary in 2000 with Train on the Brain (Channel 4/TVO), riding the rails
across North America with teenage hobos. Her dramatic feature Mouth to Mouth (Best Feature, Brooklyn International Film Festival) explored the search for belonging among disenfranchised youth. In 2007, she directed Carny for the Sundance Channel (Hot Docs, Best Documentary, Brooklyn International Film Festival). Murray then moved to Buenos Aires, studying tango, making the documentary Caprichosos de San Telmo (TIFF), and becoming an international
tango champion. Murray's storytelling centers on identity, championing the disenfranchised, and love. She is currently developing the thriller "Bone Creek" by Joadie Jurgova.
Length 1h 38min
Year 2022
Raphael Grosz-Harvey, Cristina Rosato, Eleonora Wexler, Cristina Banegas, Gerardo Romano, Juan Malizia,
Distribution House of Film
Production Hellhound Productions, CEPA Audiovisual, JA Productions