Natasha Kudashkina
Natasha Kudashkina moved to Prince Edward Island at the age of 17 creating her first collection of acrylic paintings. Since then, Kudashkina has settled in Toronto where her art now takes many forms–canvas, screen, concrete, and even human skin. Her artwork revolves heavily around themes of love, beauty, and community using bright colours to take the viewer into the own human mind. Kudashkina art has been featured in galleries, hotels and the walls of Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT).

“Senescence`` is a process of change in the biological system that occurs with time. While it has something to do with aging, it is mostly about transformation. I wanted to work on something that saw the progression, from “new`` to “old``, as beautiful instead of something to lament. I found an image showing how skin ages in particular patterns. They are sometimes called “Langer’s Lines``. I used their pattern to transfer the lines on the statue. The idea of a humankind, and a human life, as process of transformation entices me. We think with our minds - it creases into wisdom. We feel with our hearts - it folds into love. We all have different DNA, dreams, aspirations, all shaped by time. It’s inevitable, yet, people are afraid, even try to escape it. It is with time, though, that we find life’s treasures. With this artwork, balancing time with our eternal heart and poles of our searching mind, I’d like to encourage the viewer to accept and love their aging body, their history, and the beautiful act of living and transformation that occurs through it.”
Her images are a portal into our mind's eye, and through it, the visceral world of emotions, thoughts, aspirations and hopes. Proving the world as a potential canvas, her art takes the familiar and transforms it into something fantastic, more alive. Her style is vibrant, colourful, and dynamic. From a deep commitment to art’s potential to soothe, enliven and heal, her themes are overwhelmingly positive. They focus on love, nature, beauty, community, the threads that tie the country she left and the one she found.