Groucho Cinema s.r.l.
Groucho Cinema s.r.l. is an Italian independent film production and distribution company founded in 2014 in Rome, Italy. CEO is Raffaele Schettino, for many years working as actor and director and graduated in Economics. The first film production for cinema has been the long feature “IL MONDO MAGICO” (2016) directed by Raffaele Schettino, a drama, period based on a true story. Italian theatrical release (by Groucho cinema): 2017. The movie gained the Platinum Remi Award at 49th ed. of WorldFest in Houston (and many other awards) and it is recognized by the MIC as “Film d’Essai”. In 2019 produced the short movie “Tradimenti e magie” (Betrayals and magic), dir. Raffaele Schettino, that gained two awards at the 52th ed. of WorldFest Houston: one Gold Remi Award for directing and one Gold Remi Award for Historical category. The long feature “Two women over the law” (Due donne al di là della legge) (IMDB) was produced in 2021, directed by Raffaele Schettino.
Groucho Cinema s.r.l. is an Italian independent film production and distribution company founded in 2014 in Rome, Italy. CEO is Raffaele Schettino, for many years working as actor and director and graduated in Economics. The first film production for cinema has been the long feature “IL MONDO MAGICO” (2016) directed by Raffaele Schettino, a period drama, based on a true story. Italian theatrical release (by Groucho cinema): 2017. The movie gained the Platinum Remi Award at 49th ed. of WorldFest in Houston (and many other awards) and it is recognized by the MIC as “Film d’Essai”.
In 2019 produced the short movie “Tradimenti e magie” (Betrayals and magic), dir. Raffaele Schettino, who gained two awards at the 52nd ed. of WorldFest Houston: one Gold Remi Award for directing and one Gold Remi Award for Historical category..
The long feature “Two women over the law” (Due donne al di là della legge) (IMDB) was produced in 2021, directed by Raffaele Schettino. It is a period movie of the beginning of XX century and is based on a true story, an all-female one. Italian theatrical release: 2022. It has been recognized as “Film d’Essai” by MIC and it has won several awards at international festivals (pls, check them on www.dudonnealdiladellalegge.com). Its international English dubbed version is available (dubbing direction by Mark Hanna).