ICFF Expansion of Canada-Italy Co-Productions and other collaborations


Steven Thibault



Steven Thibault, the COO of BRON Media Corp., is a partner in the company he’s helped steer since 2012. He oversees all corporate operations, and production finance, and is key member of the management group. Thibault has helped grow BRON into an industry leader and has established preferred relationships with production unions and guilds across the globe. He is part of every financial closing for the company, including its corporate facilities with Comerica, its more than 40 single picture production/financing deals, and its slate co-financing ventures with Warner Brothers and MGM.

Company Bio:

BRON Media is a global company with two main operating subsidiaries. It’s all about content.

How many years have you worked in the film and creative entertainment industries?: 6-10 years

Preferred research topics: Focus groups and roundtables

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