Clandestinos Art
Clandestinos Art are a husband-and-wife pair of muralists in Toronto who began their artistic journey together in 2010. Together the pair create art with influences of their Brazilian and Chilean culture to combine real and imaginary dimensions in brightly colourful displays. The award-winning artists have painted for notable organizations such as the United Nations, the Toronto Blue jays, the FIFAWorld Cup Rio de Janeiro, and many other community-basedprograms across the globe. Bruno, known as “Smoky” has been painting since his childhood in his Sao Paulo neighbourhood. His art uses rich-colouring and layering to make for unique compositions. Smoky has received professional recognition and taught at many NGOs on the history of graffiti and its connections to at-risk youth. Through her art, Shalak Attack focuses on bringing attention to endangered animals by painting them as Spirit Animals. This leads to brightly coloured multi-dimensional pieces that are described as a psychedelic magical realism. Shalak also works with at-risk youth, women and communities as part of her art-reach.

Corazon Abierto
For this installation we painted a living being who carries Mother Nature in her heart! A recurring theme in our work is the affirmation that we humans are not above nature rather we are part of her, existing in symbiosis with all living organisms on this planet. This piece celebrates our roots from South America and inspired by nature’s force, we also expand our growing foliage, creativity and culture beyond any man made frontier! - Clandestinos Art (Bruno Smoky & Shalak Attack)
Together they are dedicated to painting murals around the world by creating colourful narratives that unify both real and imaginary dimensions. Clandestinos manifest their creative expression through highly detailed and rendered compositions that combine landscapes, portraiture, and design elements.