JULY 17th, 2024

Carlo Mollino: Architect and Storyteller

An Architettura & Design Event

Architect and Storyteller

Carlo Mollino

In conversation with Michelangelo Sabatino | introduction by Silvio Baldassarra

  • July 17th, 2024 6:45pm
    Canadian Stage
    26 Berkeley St, Toronto

After the panel discussion, guests are invited to join us for a cocktail at the Sub-Zero, Wolf, and Cove Showroom located at 280 King St E #101, Toronto.

NORR-ed partnership with ICFF is a special event which will be Live format only.
Silvio Baldassarra founder and Host of NORRed will introduce Michelangelo Sabatino and moderate a distinguished panel discussion on Carlo Mollino. The event will be followed by a reception and a book signing by Michelangelo Sabatino “ Carlo Mollino Architect and Storyteller” 2021.

Carlo Mollino (1905-1974) was one of the most exceptional and legendary architects and designers of the 20th century. The Italian architect and designer synthesized elements of Expressionism, Futurism, Organicism, and Surrealism to create his unique approach to modern design.

Rachel Gotlieb
Design and Craft Curator and Historian
Betsy Williamson
Partner at Williamson Williamson Inc. Vicechair, Waterfront Toronto Design Review Panel
Shane Williamson
Partner at Williamson Williamson Inc. and Associate Professor at the UofT
Silvio Baldassarra
Achitect, NORR Chair Emeritus, Founder of NORRed
Napoleone Ferrari
Co-founder and Director of Museo Casa Mollino in Turin


About Michelangelo Sabatino

Michelangelo Sabatino, a Professor at the Illinois Institute of Technology, is a leading figure in architectural history and preservation. With a rich academic background, he has increased enrollment and led projects as interim dean at IIT. Sabatino co-authored “Carlo Mollino: Architect and Storyteller” with Napoleone Ferrari, exploring Mollino’s modernist contributions and surrealistic influences, showcasing iconic projects like the Teatro Regio. The book highlights Mollino’s significant legacy in twentieth-century architecture.

NORR-ed and NORRForward Initiative

Part of the NORRForward initiative, NORR-ed is a lecture series established in 2007 to share insights from distinguished architects and engineers. Its goal is to continuously Teach, Learn, and Improve through the Architecture, Engineering, and Master Series streams. Originally an in-house program for fulfilling Continuing Education requirements, NORR ed now offers valuable continuing education and credits to employees, clients, partners, and colleagues worldwide.

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